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Member Update ... May 2020

Dear GHRA Club Members,

When the first Covid 19 reports filtered through the media in Australia we had no idea what it meant to our way of life. Our responsibilities as not only a club but as active members of our communities were to adhere to the Government directives.

As a result, GHRA 1st round was held under strict guidelines of maintaining effective hand hygiene, incorporating cough protocols and practicing social distancing. This meant a few changes to normal practices and the support and understanding from club members was greatly appreciated with the weekend being enjoyed by all that participated.

At that time European statistics suggested that Australia would soon be inundated with Covid 19 cases and the Australian Government rolled out more guidelines pertaining to isolation expectations. As a result, with much consideration and consultation the committee made the decision to close the grounds and postpone upcoming events with a “wait and watch” approach.

Over the past 3 months we have seen an enormous amount of innovation and commitment by fellow Australians which has successfully flattened “the curve” and minimised the impact of Covid 19 in our communities. With this being the case the GHRA committee had a (video) meeting recently to discuss what this may mean in terms of club events and how to best move toward normalcy. Furthermore, the local Government/Cabinet decided this week that it is time to carefully ease some of the restrictions. Unfortunately, current restriction still warrant that club events remain on hold at this time. For more information on government restrictions visit:

Where to from here?

Restrictions pertaining to gatherings remain in place at this time; outings are limited to family members of the same household or an individual and 1 friend. As a result, GHRA events remain on hold. However, after the committee video meeting, the plan is to work towards recommencing events in June (if restrictions have been lifted).


GHRA Committee

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